Time to get off my backside!

I recently found myself ‘indisposed’ due to a hip operation which I had been in denial over for some time but finally had to admit that my hyper-mobile joint had simply worn out!

During the lead up to it I was thinking of all the things I could do whilst I was recovering and unable to drive for six weeks and what a great opportunity to really focus on my plans for the next 6 months.

Roll on to 25th January and the said procedure took place: Of course for the first week I was in too much discomfort to do much other than be waited on by my lovely friends and family and then in the second week, having not slept properly for what seemed like forever I was just really tired.

As I drifted to the end of the third week, I did do some sorting of the old file cabinet and some odd tidying etc.. around the house but still no real mental activity. I started telling myself that I was being present and that the moment would come when it would just feel right.

By week four I recognised that I was now in a new habit of just doing nothing and really needed to get off my slightly sore backside and motivate myself!

As a coach of course I knew how to support others in doing this but in practice for me it just wasn’t happening.

I shared this with a friend and like a star they offered to be my accountability buddy and guess what…? Today I have made notes on my new improved, (soon to go live) website and sent them to the wonderful guy who is sorting it for me and I have committed my thoughts on my inactivity to this page so not bad for day 1 of ‘getting my arse back into gear’ eh! Oh yes and I did sneak out to see Emma at the local cinema as a friend had invited me(!) but at least I wasn’t watching daytime TV or playing games on my phone….

Writing down our intentions takes them out of the jumble of our monkey brains and brings them into the real world. By enlisting the help of a third party, be that a coach or just a trusted friend, the element of accountability is introduced which creates more motivation to do what we have said we will.

These two steps in goal setting really do make a huge difference 😊

For tomorrow I have made a plan and written it down… oh yes and shared it with my friend, so on day two of ‘gmaig’ there’s every chance of success!

