The Ancient Greek Philosopher Epicurus observed that:
Of all the things that wisdom provides to help live one’s entire life in happiness, the greatest by far is the possession of friendship.
I have to say that during my recent spell of ‘house-boundness’ I have been at times overwhelmed by the kindness and thoughtfulness of my circle of friends.
It is often in our hour of need that we find who are true friends are.
They are the ones that say, “If there’s anything I can do...” and really mean it. They are the ones who you know will come through for you if they possibly can and who will go the extra mile.
Occasionally we may fall out with them or they may temporarily drift away but where there is that deep rooted connection they will almost always return.
They understand us and accept us for how we are and don’t judge us, as it is our core self they are interested in; a bit like the ideal parent, whose love for us remains unaffected by appearance, attitude or behaviour.
Cherish your friends and be a good friend yourself.
Whether it be for a reason, a season or a lifetime, a true friend is priceless.